
You’re right – you probably can go it alone. But you don’t have to.

If you choose, you can continue to allow an all too familiar cycle to keep dragging you along:

Phase One: You’ve got it all together – at least, that’s what everybody thinks. And you don’t want to let them down, so you push hard to achieve – really hard. You power through the pain. When you make it, the exhilaration is awesome. You do have it all together.

Phase Two: Still, there’s that inner voice that keeps telling you something’s off. You try to shut it out by keeping busy, having that extra glass of wine, zoning out in front of a show, flashing that fake smile so nobody is the wiser.

Phase Three: But it’s there, just under the surface, all the while growing stronger – louder – until you can’t silence it any longer, and you suddenly fall to pieces inside – all the while maintaining that veneer of cool, confident nonchalance.

Phase Four: You stuff down the resentment, shame, regret – maybe you even check out from friends, family, and loved ones for days, or even weeks, at a time. But don’t forget to smile.

Rinse. And repeat.

But YOU create your reality.

And that leads us to the alternative:

Phase One: Listen to the voice of your true self telling you exactly what you want and need – and confidently wield your effective communication skills to honor that voice – while also honoring others’ requests.

Phase Two: Masterfully manage your time without having to “power through” anything. Breathe easily in the relief of having more time than you know what to do with – and delight in having enough energy and resources to pursue your dreams while taking care of your business (i.e., the business of life and self-care).

Phase Three: Bravely yet tenderly care for yourself in moments of struggle and pain and use them to continue to grow. (This is life, after all. Bad things will inevitably happen, but I can show you how to cope with them in a healthy way, so they never derail you.)

Phase Four: Connect on a deep level with those you love. Nourish those long-awaited feelings of contentment and gratification that come from living with no regrets.

Relish. And repeat.

The choice is yours. Which will it be?

“It sounds too good to be true. I don’t know where to begin!”

Maybe that’s what you’re thinking, but before you resign yourself to isolation, let me give you a glimpse into a new world of working with me.

Imagine, for a moment, that we’re already working together….

Some sessions will naturally be better than others.

When things feel like they’re falling apart, there may be tears. Ugly crying. Incomprehensible syllables.

Don’t worry. I’ve seen it all.

But that ugly cry will transform into a slow, steady breath, followed by a momentary look of confusion as we unpack and make sense of things.

Then finally, “Eureka!”

A glimmer of hope and understanding lights your eyes, as we begin to re-pack the former mess in an orderly, novel way.

And when you leave feeling relieved after a tough session, it’s not because we’ve solved all your problems. That’s impossible in under an hour.

But with a map, a plan, and the tools to get there, things look and feel better already.

Most sessions are less dramatic – but often even more rewarding!

You may arrive at a session thinking you’re ready to graduate from therapy because you’ve overcome your challenges and aren’t in crisis anymore.

But that’s not the end; it’s just the beginning!

It’s where we get to a deep exploration of old patterns and dusting off forgotten strengths.

Exploring “Parts of Self”

We explore the various parts of you that take over without your even realizing it.

All these “players” have their strengths, but they also have major drawbacks when they show up on the wrong cue – or without your permission.

Like a skilled stage director, you’ll learn how to leverage your parts of self so that their strengths shine on cue – and even their “drawbacks” play to your advantage.

Engaging in Body-centered Work

Your mind and body are one, but like many people, you may have experienced an emotional disconnect – perhaps from past trauma or simply cultural messages ingrained throughout your life.

“Suck it up, buttercup!” “Big girls don’t cry.” Sound familiar?

By accessing body cues, we can re-establish your mind-body connection safely. The result? Being in more touch with our needs and fewer moments of, “Oh no! My inner three-year-old is having another tantrum!”

The mind-body connection is important in other ways, too. Everything from your relationship with food to the sleep you get bridges the mind-body gap.

In the interest of being holistic, we’ll examine what you put in your body, how much you move, and how you feel about it to determine whether this affects your mood and your life. I have extensive experience helping people improve their sleep and cultivate healthy, body-positive relationships with themselves.

Changing Negative Thought Patterns

Henry Ford was right when he said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Your thoughts create your reality.

But, beginning in childhood, your thought patterns are ingrained in you without your even realizing it. And many of your thoughts aren’t even intentional; they’re automatic. So, your thoughts can often subconsciously create realities you don’t want!

Using strategies from mindfulness, CBT, positive psychology, and clinical hypnosis, you’ll realize and set aside the unwanted ideas and cultivate the thoughts (and subsequent actions) that bring your dreams into reality.

The Therapeutic Relationship’s Healing Power

It’s probably the most important part of our work together. The really cool thing about you is that you are you – in any setting!

What do I mean by that? You’re going to bring yourself to the table – your strengths, your patterns of communicating, your way of relating. And we get to explore all these things in real-time! In session!

I’m also going to be me in session – I get to be lovingly honest and nonjudgmental. In other words, I’m going to build you up while also calling you on your BS. This candor works well in a therapeutic relationship – unlike it might in a friendship, for example – because our relationship exists to help YOU grow.

This could be YOU. You may say…

“I never thought I would make this much progress so soon.”

“I’ve been in therapy before; why haven’t my other therapists ever told me that?”

“I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you.”

I hear these things, and others like them, ALL the time. I’m not trying to brag here; I’m just letting you know that there is hope. And you could say them in just a couple of months – or even sooner!

I’ll meet you where you are.

Whether you want to be in therapy for the long haul and do some genuinely deep, transformative work or you’re just interested in a tune-up to get you through a rough patch, we can meet your needs.

You’re in the driver’s seat – you get to decide where you wanna go.

I’ll help make sure you’re tuned up and have enough gas to get there.

About Me

I haven’t always been this “put together.”

But I always knew how to put on a show like I was. I’ve had my fair share of emotional trauma, running with the wrong crowds, dropping out of school, settling for unhealthy relationships, and feeling lost and overwhelmed in life.

As I was growing up in Ohio, emotional reactivity was the name of the game in my family. Like most women, I grew up with messages that my body wasn’t the right size.

I felt immense pressure to succeed, but I didn’t have any of the tools to do so, let alone cope with my emotions-gone-wild.

My pattern became a damaging cycle: start big projects, bail when it began to feel too difficult, then “beat myself up.”

This pattern led to my believing I couldn’t achieve anything of value. And so, of course, for a while, I didn’t. (Remember, our thoughts inform our actions and create our reality!)

Letting in the Sunshine

In my early adulthood, I ended up in California, where a few mentors and my own experience with therapy changed everything.

I learned how to be in touch with my emotions in a way that felt safe. My feelings could guide me! I began to love and honor my body.

Through therapy, coaching, and my studies to become a psychologist, I learned tools for success. I have grown in ways and achieved more in my life than I ever thought possible.

And I’m able to sustain these gains when the going gets tough (i.e., when I used to bail).

I want the same for you.

Finding Home

After getting my bachelor’s in studio art, then my master’s and doctorate in Clinical Psychology, my career eventually landed me in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where I met my husband. We began to build our life together.

After having twin boys, we decided to head back to my husband’s roots (and get some family backup) in South Carolina.

In many ways, I am still finding my footing as a mom and therapy practice owner (and friend and family member and all-the-roles), but the rewards are worth the challenges. 

Savoring Each Day’s New Opportunities

Creating the life of my dreams has been (and sometimes continues to be) a challenge. But it allows me to do the work I love.

Every day, I get to witness people taking the reins of their lives, changing the way they communicate, and pursuing their dreams.

The transformation that occurs through therapy and coaching is almost magical, and I’m honored to share those amazing journeys with each one.

I look forward to what we’ll discover as we walk your path together.