
Trapped, Overwhelmed, and Uncertain

Sherry* has a dream to have her own naturopathic medicine practice. At times, her vision is strong and clear, but sometimes, insidious doubt creeps in.

“What if I can’t do it? How will I even get clients?”

She asks herself, “Why would you leave the company you work for? You get a regular paycheck. You don’t have to market yourself to get clients. It’s safe.”

Fleeting Clarity

For a moment, she is at peace, but it springs from deceptive resignation.

“Ahhh,” she breathes a sigh of relief as she heads to her clinic for her first patient of the week, determined to stay in her stable job with a reliable paycheck.

It’s not what she ultimately wants, but it will at least give her what she needs.

Compounding Defeat

By the end of the week, she’s exhausted and defeated. After working late every night this week, she resents some of her patients as she pounds her way through one session after another, back-to-back-to-back.

Forced to maintain a cramped schedule, she can’t spend as much time with each as she knows she needs to be their best provider possible. When she first began her career, she was so vibrant and enthusiastic. Now, she barely has enough energy to eat dinner.

This is not why she became a practitioner.

Recurring Vision

Sherry often dreams about working for herself! She could set her own hours, charge her full fee, maybe even take vacations!

She fantasizes about finding her old self, getting enough sleep, recharging her batteries, having a fulfilling personal life…

Suddenly, guilt snaps her back into “reality.” She became a healer to heal others, not indulge in life’s luxuries.

So, she plasters the smile back onto her face and welcomes the next client. And the cycle continues.

The Lies We Believe

The “reality” is that Sherry has lost touch with her true self.

She’s fallen victim to the lies the healthcare industry forces many professionals to believe: “You have to kill yourself to be a good practitioner.”

Is it really any wonder why burnout is so rampant among healthcare professionals today?

The Actual Solution

I’ve worked with nurses, physicians, and physical therapists just like Sherry.

Burned out. Out of touch with their true selves. Burdened by guilt about having their own needs.

They, too, had fallen into the healthcare trap.

But I’m here to tell you it’s not too late! It’s not hopeless! There is an escape!

Your needs are valid!

How can you be a healer of others if you’re drowning? The answer is – you can’t.

I’m sure you always encourage your clients to take care of themselves. But have you ever asked yourself – do you honestly think they can believe you if you don’t follow your own advice?

Maybe you’re sick of hearing the old chestnut, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” But I’ll work with you until you believe it in your bones, practice it faithfully in your daily life, and live it without feeling an ounce of unhealthy guilt.

Want to heal others? Heal YOURSELF!

The work is the same. Your patients will know if you’re not practicing what you preach. They can feel it, and so can you.

Some of the women I’ve worked with find that the solution is being their own badass boss! Others needed to reconnect with their values and their reasons for doing what they do and are happy working for a bigger organization.

The answer might be different for everyone. I will help you get clarity on what’s best for you!

*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.

Life Coaching for Clarity

The life coaching I do often focuses on helping women achieve clarity in their careers. But life coaching can also help you grow in other areas of your life, too!

Relationships – Whether you’re dating or running into drama with the fam, your relationship with yourself will inform how you interact with every other person in your life – and vice versa. We’ll explore what your relationships say about your needs and desires so that you can grow – both as an individual and within the context of your relationships.

Leadership Skills – Working with others isn’t easy! Through coaching, you can improve your communication with your team and find ways to work toward a clear, unified vision together.

Health – You’ve always wanted to get in shape and stay that way, but something always seems to put it on the back burner. Coaching can help you get real about your health goals and finally stick to a plan.

Finances – You have a complicated relationship with money. I’ll help you figure out why and what to do about it, so you feel you control your money, not the other way around.

The only thing holding you back is you. You can change that today.

Call (971) 245-2402 now to set up your free 30-minute consultation.