Therapy for women, burned out from doing it all.

Another day in the life.

As a woman juggling life, you’re no stranger to navigating life’s transitions, lost loves, and high expectations. 

You’ve worked so hard for the life you’ve created, but you’ve given so much of yourself that you’re not even sure where your needs start and everyone else’s needs end. 

Because everyone looks to you, you feel constant pressure, which has turned into constant worry and overthinking. 

You’re exhausted.

Wondering if you’re worthy.

Overextending but not feeling appreciated. 

The more responsibility you take on, the more you wonder if you’re doing enough. 

The constant mental load — the “project management” of running a household — is a full-time job. 

But you also have a “real” full-time job. You feel torn between the two and under-appreciated for the work you do managing your home. 

Where did “you” go?

Constant social comparison has led you to have a negative self-image and to doubt yourself.

Trained by society to care of everyone else while looking and acting a certain way has caused you to lose sight of yourself. 

Meanwhile you’ve trudged through discrimination, life’s responsibilities, and possibly even trauma, and as a result, you’re no longer in touch with your own emotions or needs. 

Feel empowered

Reaching out for help is not a weakness. It is a sign of your wisdom. 

The most successful people in this world know how to leverage others’ strengths — seeking therapy is just that. 

Therapy is a powerful decision that says that you are choosing you, the first step in reconnecting with yourself. 

Therapy to reclaim your voice and power.

Our sessions will provide a confidential, supportive space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

Striking a healthy balance between work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being. Develop strategies to manage time effectively, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care, ensuring that you can thrive both personally and professionally.

Develop self-care routines and improve stress coping mechanisms, to ensure you have the emotional resources to navigate the challenges of life.

Therapy is a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Together we will explore your values, identify and overcome limiting beliefs, enhance self-esteem, and establish a clear sense of identity and purpose in this stage of life.

Women often face unique challenges during major life transitions, such as career changes, motherhood, empty nest syndrome, or menopause. Therapy can help you navigate these transitions with resilience and self-compassion.

Enhance your self-esteem, build assertiveness skills, and foster empowerment as a woman. These sessions provide the support to connect with your best self.

Unleash your inner strength.

Together, we’ll explore the unique challenges you face as a woman. We’ll remind you that you are strong and potent. Your voice matters. You matter. You have a track record of success that is worth so much. 

Therapy can feel intimidating if you’ve never done it. Know that I will be here to support and guide you.

It’s time to shed the weight of societal demands and stand proudly in your truth. 

Imagine the relief you will feel when you are able to prioritize what is most important to you.

Call or text me today at (971) 245-2402, so you can create the life you want – with intention.