Couples Therapy

The distance between them was growing.

Riley* hated how she could never tell Alex anything anymore.

If she opened her mouth, she was sure it would turn into an argument.

She just wanted his support. She needed his support.

They used to be so in love. They shared everything, but they were growing apart – she could feel it.

Recently, if she merely asked him to put away his dishes, their kitchen turned into a battleground with rockets of “You never this…” and “Well, you don’t this…” So, she stopped asking anymore. She just seethed in silence.

It led to confusion and helplessness.

Alex* didn’t know what happened to them.

He loved Riley – she was his soulmate.

But he felt like he couldn’t do anything right in Riley’s eyes anymore, so he stopped even trying.

She was always nagging him to do more around the house, but he felt she wasn’t doing her fair share, either. So why should he do more? They were both busy, after all.

Riley was always asking him for reassurance that he loves her. He does, but how much more reassurance could he give? He wasn’t sure how much longer he could go on that way.

Everything changed when they got help.

Alex and Riley agreed they’d had enough. They were done feeling resentful of each other and always arguing.

But therapy was a real turning point.

Alex and Riley learned about each other’s pasts and how their experiences informed their needs in the relationship. They realized their failure to meet each other’s needs was driving them further apart. In this way, the relationship was starving them more than ever, rather than nurturing them.

Riley didn’t realize how much she needed reassurance and how it affected Alex.

Alex didn’t realize he had stopped communicating certain things to Riley.

They’d been at a stalemate. both saying, “I’m not changing anything until you change first.”

They built a different, more fulfilling life together.

Couples therapy allowed Alex and Riley to see each other with fresh eyes and understand both their own and each other’s needs!

They developed tools for communicating their needs and requests in a way that didn’t ignite arguments.

They learned how to be completely honest about how they felt – without fearing how the other person would respond.

They realized it’s okay to have some space in a relationship – the love is still there.

And they discovered how to reconnect with each other on a deeper level – truly valuing and cherishing one another, even more than they did when they first met.

There’s hope! Don’t give up on each other!

I’ve worked with many couples just like Alex and Riley, and I can help you, too.

I have helped them right what seemed like a sinking ship.

Together, the three of us will navigate your relationship, discover how it’s gotten to this point, and get you back on course.

Call me today at (971) 245-2402 and let me help!

*Names changed to protect client confidentiality.